Saturday, November 01, 2008

About as Martha Stewart as I Get...


Princess Sophie

The Girls' Pumpkins
Kathleen's Dad Jonathan Saved the Day with the Pumpkins!

The Gigantic Pumpkin and its Proud Creators

Emma Toucan


Well...I pulled it off. I sent my daughters out on Halloween dressed appropriately (and creatively.) A little bit of thread, some accessories, some face paint, feathers, and an old brown wash cloth became a Toucan and a Kangaroo costume. The girls were so excited, and they wore their Heelies trick or treating in order to zoooooom to each house- maximum candy efficiency!

We wanted a quiet night with a bit of trick or treating and a simple dinner. Poor Jeffy had to work late, and after a busy, busy week, I couldn't handle a carnival or Halloween party without back up. We did have a couple of monkeys visit- cousin Jonas and baby Kathleen came over in their monkey costumes. Kathleen's dad Jonathan brought over a gigantic pumpkin, which he allowed the girls to draw on and help him carve. They ended up carving three pumpkins, and we saved all of the seeds so that Christine can make her yummy pumpkin seeds. :)

Sophie and Olivia dressed up like a princess and a bee. My dad sat on the porch handing out candy while we hit the neighborhood houses. My mom walked the neighborhood with the girls and me and we reminisced about all of the Halloween costumes through the years. Best of all- Grandma Otti (who has been really sick and on Hospice care) was feeling good enough to come down and try to steal some of the girls' candy- a yearly tradition.
Cousin Jonas the Monkey

Gracie's Pouch

The Pugs Dressed Up- Of Course

Baby Kathleen Came Over to Monkey Around

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

cute,cute! :)