Saturday, December 13, 2008

Grace's Thanksgiving Story

One Thanksgiving

By Grace Smith

One day three indians wanted to have the best Thanksgiving ever.

So one indian wanted to have a turkey for Thanksgiving. The next indian wanted to have a chicken for Thanksgiving. The other indian wanted to have a pig for Thanksgiving. The next day was Thanksgiving. So the three indians went out to hunt for what they wanted. The very next day they went out to hunt for what they wanted. The very next day was here so they were sad 'cause they hadn't found a turkey, chicken, or pig for Thanksgiving. So they cooked their food and they were about to start eating but "DeegDong" the doorbell rang. Then they heard a noise and it was "Gobl Gobl Gobl, Bock Bock, Oink Oink. They got the door. One indian yelled, "Yes!" It was the turkey, the chicken, and a pig. The indians said, "Sit down, this is going to be the best feast ever!" Then the turky, chicken, and pig ran. The animals sat at the table and then the indians, turkey, chicken, and pig had a good feast.